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Admin By Request

You're probably reading this because you know you have a problem. Either your company allows users to maintain local administrator rights, or your Helpdesk has to do countless remote installs. We can solve both issues for you with little effort, and at the same time, free up your IT resources.

We have customers with tens of thousands of users who have tried to implement allowlist solutions but have failed and come to us - because even with unlimited resources, it’s impossible to predict what your users need today. Speculating on allowlists in advance takes time and effort, and users will hate you for blocking their workday when you get it wrong.

Instead of relying on speculation, Admin By Request works proactively the other way around.

If a user starts to install software, the Admin By Request client intercepts and installs the software with a full audit trail - without the user ever being elevated to administrator. Think of it as a self-checkout at the supermarket.

It is also safer than traditional allowlist solutions; just because an administrator adds a file to an allowlist, that doesn't mean it is safe. We real-time scan files with more than 35 anti-virus engines before allowing those files to run with administrative privileges.

Nothing needs to be installed or changed on-premises. Users do not need to be re-educated, and no one in IT needs to create endless allowlists or spend hours on remote installs. All you have to do is to deploy the Admin By Request endpoint software. This ease of use is why we are the fastest growing PAM solution in the world.

If a user starts to install software, the Admin By Request client intercepts and installs the software with a full audit trail - without the user ever being elevated to administrator. Think of it as a self-checkout at the supermarket. It is also possible to activate "request / approval" - then IT have to approve before the user can install the software.

Product page
Admin By Request products
Trial version

Other info:

Case Study
Executive Summary

Price VAT 0%
Price incl. VAT 25.5%

Admin By Request Server Subscription 25 seats
Admin By Request Server Subscription 50 seats
Admin By Request Workstation Subscription 25 seats
Admin By Request Workstation Subscription 50 seats